Every writer will tell you that you never “find” time to write—you have to make it. But some days are harder than others. In fact, some years are harder than others. Thankfully I’ve found ways to carve out time , and I’ll bet there are a few you haven’t thought of!
20 Ways to Make More Time to Write
1. Quit fussing about chores. They’ll still be there when you’re done writing.
2. Stop answering the phone.
3. Sleep less, at least temporarily.
4. Forget multi-tasking. More focus=time saved.
5. Stop wearing makeup.
6. Take your writing with you. Waiting for a kid at practice? Write!
7. Reduce your time online.
8. Fast food won’t kill you…at least not right away.
9. Watch 1 TV show instead of 2…or 10.
10. Eat faster. Don’t loiter at meals.
11. Shave time off your commute OR start taking the bus and write while you ride.
12. Read less.
12. Give up 1 hobby. Do you really need to knit another toaster cozy? I didn’t think so.
13. Grocery shop once a month, twice if necessary for perishables.
14. Cook in bulk.
15. Re-examine your to-do list and cut, Cut, CUT!
16. Write through lunch.
17. Stop taking so many showers—only mostly kidding.
18. Delegate tasks to willing workers—a.k.a. kids.
19. Use the word “No!” liberally, but nicely.
20. Stop socializing so much. You’re not up for prom queen—unless you are, in which case, go you!
Yes, I am so desperate for time that I’ve tried most of the above. While some of these are tongue-in-cheek, the point is the same. We have to think outside the norm in order to make time for the things that are most important to us.
Should life always be this busy? Absolutely not! But we all go through seasons where we have to be brutal to protect our writing time. Once the season is over, it’s important to go back to living big and enjoying life.
Balance is good.
What do you do to make time to write?
If you need more than a few extra hours a week to write, check out my 25-page PDF guide.
Time Management for Writers will walk you through the steps necessary to align your schedule with your writing goals. This program is for people who are ready to reclaim massive quantities of time in order to fulfill their purpose!
Some of these tips seem a little extreme, but I try to write throughout the day. When thoughts or ideas pop into my head, I jot them in a notebook I keep in my purse or in my notepad app.
LOL, some of them are tongue-in-cheek, but there’s some truth in all. But I actually have done most of these at one time or another 🙂
Cute! You’ve got me thinking of some small ways to carve out time :). Similar to the other comments… One thing I do is keep a small journal with me if possible (or an index card will do) so I can jot down thoughts/notes whenever and wherever they hit me. I once wrote the rough draft to an entire article on the back of a sheet of note paper, right before a church service started because a flood of ideas came to my mind at that instance. When I don’t have paper handy, I use my phone to text or email notes to myself.
YES! TaVon…I do the same thing—email notes to myself. I once tried to write a chapter on my phone but that didn’t work out so well, lol!